Justice K. Lee Crowell, Q. C . (1887-1984)
The Honourable K. Lee Crowell was born in Sandy Cove, Digby County, in 1887. Though coming from a seafaring family, his interest lay in engineering. His decision to pursue that interest would prove fortuitous for generations of area golfers. After earning a degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology he worked on the construction of the Panama Canal and then enlisted with the Canadian Expeditionary Force for overseas duty in World War 1. Captain Crowell was wounded while laying out the jumping off trenches for the Battle of Vimy Ridge.
Returning home, Captain Crowell studied law at McGill and came to Bridgetown and set up a law practice.
Despite having lost a leg at Vimy Ridge, he still developed a passion for golf while playing at the “Pansy Patch”, a private club on the W. I. Morse estate in Paradise. When this closed he continued playing the game at courses in Annapolis Royal, Digby, St. Andrews and the Keltic. He was an active member of the Maritime Seniors Golf Association.
Judge Crowell had long nurtured a desire to build a nine-hole community course for the benefit of area golfers.
What would follow is an amazing testament to the vision, the resourcefulness and the dedication that one person can bring to the realization of a dream.
Utilizing his golfing experience, his engineering skills, personal and corporate contacts, friendships, private and personal resources, the design and construction plans for the Eden Golf and Country Club were born.
He then oversaw the acquisition of the needed lands, sought assistance in design and supervised and developed what has often been referred to as one of the finest small golf courses in Nova Scotia.
Eden was completed in 1940 and incorporated in 1941. Judge Lee Crowell’s work and dedication in the completion of this course is documented in the history records of the Nova Scotia Golf Association. A portrait of the Judge is proudly displayed in Eden’s clubhouse. He played the course for the remainder of his life, walking the fairways and hauling his cart.
Tens of thousands of golfers and golfing enthusiasts, the local community and communities beyond, have since benefited from his dedication, drive and determination; A personal dream which continues to bring so much enjoyment to so many.