Jaffray Rice
In a small community, a successful project invariably involves the hard work and dedication of many volunteers making contributions in all aspects of that project. Inevitably, the efforts of some of those volunteers are, at times, not recognized in a manner that is appropriate to the contribution. When such a volunteer also happens to commit their energies and resources while standing firmly and intentionally outside the “limelight”, that recognition is even harder to bestow.
Jaffray Rice has always been such a person and yet his “quiet contributions” have played a prominent role in the development of nearly all of Bridgetown’s sports facilities and infrastructure.
Jaffray grew up in Bridgetown and played various sports in High School. Graduating in 1952, he attended Agricultural College and then returned home to work. In 1962, he became the Managing Director of a new concrete business started by Clyde Everett. In 1972, Jaffray bought the business and it has been expanding and growing ever since.
Over the ensuing years, V.J. Rice Concrete Ltd. has responded to the needs of the community on a scale rarely seen.
Tennis Courts and Club House – From start to finish, this project was made possible by Jaffray. He provided the engineering and his staff provided the labor for ground preparation and for construction. He supplied all building materials and fencing.
Ball Field – Jaffray’s contributions to the ball field have been ongoing over a number of years. In one significant refurbishment project the entire field was rebuilt and enlarged, including grading of the outfield, the installation of new fencing and the construction of the two dugouts. The contribution of heavy equipment, labor and materials was provided without hesitation.
Bridgetown Memorial Arena – The fire that destroyed the old rink featured on the cover of the Hall of Fame’s Inaugural commemorative book brought many challenges to our small town, as did the loss of the initial replacement structure that was lost in a fierce wind storm.
Once more, Jaffray was there to help. Through donations of brick and concrete his support helped build the facility that continues to serve our community so well.
Bridgetown Centennial Pool – A project of our Centennial celebration in 1967, the community was required to contribute a significant portion of the overall project costs. It was a common sight that year to see concrete trucks making the runs to what was then a dead end Centennial Drive. Through the donation of materials, equipment and labor, Jaffray oversaw the contributions that helped make the town pool a reality.
Though not sports related, V.J. Rice Concrete has most recently been a major sponsor in the construction of the new Bridgetown Fire Hall. Outside our community, he helped build the Centrelea ball field and he sponsors individual athletes throughout the Valley and beyond. Jaffray has always believed in the importance of making sports available to our youth. In terms of materials, labor and equipment, the dollar value of the support that Jaffray Rice has provided to his community cannot be adequately measured, nor, we suspect, would Jaffray want it to be. However, his sports legacy continues to be defined each and every day. In the laughter and smiles and memories of thousands of people who have lobbed a ball, skated or swam over the past fifty years, there is a constant measure.